Sustainable Business
ABC sustainable operation organization and information are as follows:
• Message From The Chairman
• Message From The President
• Material Topics
• ESG Committee
• ESG Highlights
• Stakeholders
Message From The Chairman
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, the global economy has been under constant strain. While it was initially expected that the economy...
Message From The President
In recent years, the world has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a global search for innovative opportunities to challenge and overcome...
Material Topics
Identification of Significant issues ABC creates CSR questionnaires based on GRI standards after taking into account global trends, industry characteristics,...
ESG Committee
To implement corporate social responsibility, promote economic, social, and environmental sustainability, ABC-AETC established the "CSR Committee" in 2020....
2020 was the first year of ABC's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. The management team has formulated a CSR policy and established a CSR Committee,...