Happiness and Health Workplace

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Accident Investigation

ABC Group follows the risk assessment technical guidelines announced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the Ministry of Labor. We have established procedures for hazard identification and risk assessment, and it proposes improvement or control measures for risks categorized as moderate or higher. Personnel responsible for hazard identification and risk opportunity assessment in each department have received training in risk assessment. In 2022, a total of 96 hazards were identified, and appropriate management and control measures were implemented for different risks. Currently, there are corresponding procedures to handle occupational diseases, cutting/crushing/impact/rolling, exposure to hazardous substances, electrical hazards, falls, and foreign object entry into the eyes, among others. For example, there are safety operation standards for operating vertical injection molding machines, material handling safety operation standards, and educational training for cutting and inspection of GDD90-75, etc. All identified disaster risks have corresponding measures in place, and discussions within the Occupational Safety and Health Committee are conducted to improve high-risk activities in the workplace, thereby safeguarding the health of employees. The types of hazards are indicated below:
Type of hazardTaiwan FactoryGuangzhou FactoryShanghai Factory
Work-related ill health4NA8
Contact with hazardous substance515
Electric shock7161
Foreign object in the eye1NA4

Note: The disclosure boundary covers Taiwan Plant 1 and 2, Shanghai Plant, and Guangzhou Plant.
Hazard identification and risk assessment shall be conducted again where new equipment or hazardous chemicals have been added or changed, or where an occupational disaster occurs in the plant. If an employee is faced with an emergency hazard while performing his or her duties, the employee may exercise his or her right to withdraw from work in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Company protects employees that propose improvements from being penalized.
Risk assessment flowchart of the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Policy:
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Accident Investigation
ABC classifies each hazard by its work environment and characteristics; this classification provides reference for hazard identification, statistical analysis, and implementation of control measures afterwards. For intolerable hazards, the Company tries to address them through elimination, substitution, engineering control, management control, and personal protection gear in the stated priority, and adopts various control measures depending on the availability of technology, capability, and resources to reduce risks. Risks that are rated medium level and above are monitored as part of the management plan with annual targets set to facilitate regular tracking and improvement. Control measures taken to reduce risks are regularly followed up to ensure effectiveness and enable adjustments.

Occupational hazard investigation procedures

ABC has formulated reporting, investigation, and improvement procedures regarding occupational disasters. Occupational health and safety personnel, alongside labor representatives, carry out an investigation where an occupation disaster occurs, and would follow up on subsequent improvements. The Company reported no occupational accidents in 2022, with 0 recorded minor injuries. Continuous improvement and performance reviews are carried out based on the severity and frequency of occupational disasters.
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