Sustainable Environment

Energy Management

ABC-ATEC is a leading manufacturer of inductors, and its main energy source is externally purchased electricity, followed by gasoline, diesel, and liquefied petroleum gas. In 2023, the total energy consumption will decrease by 18.19% compared to the previous year, and the energy intensity will increase by 9.20%. ABC-ATEC introduced a new process, LTCC in 2023, which led to an increase in overall electricity consumption. In addition, due to the impact of the overall macro environment and slowing demand, the energy intensity increased. In the future, we will continue to monitor and formulate energy-saving strategies to improve power utilization efficiency and achieve energy conservation and carbon reduction.
Energy Governance

Energy Conservation Measures and Results

Although ABC-ATEC is not in a highly energy-intensive industry, it is still actively committed to improving the energy efficiency of its factories. In 2023, the Group gradually introduced energy-saving measures for its factories to effectively reduce energy consumption. In 2023, a total of 27 energy-saving measures were implemented in Taiwan and Guangzhou factory, saving 1,243.82 GJ of energy and a projected reduction of 187.57 tCO2e. In 2024, ABC-ATEC continued to implement a series of energy-saving management measures, including energy saving of air-conditioning, lighting, standby energy-saving, production machines energy-saving, and power consumption management. The Group conducts a review of results every three months.
In 2023, high-energy-consuming old waste gas treatment equipment will be replaced, with actual power savings of 221,400 kilowatt-hours and GHG emission reduction of 126.26 tCO2e, with an investment of 558,000 yuan.
Energy Governance